Teknologi & education

Teknologi & education
What is a Wide-Area Network (WAN) ?
A computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area. Typically, a WAN consists of two or more local-area networks (LANs). A LAN is computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings.

Computers connected to a wide-area network are often connected through public networks, such as the telephone system. They can also be connected through leased lines or satellites. The largest WAN in existence is the Internet.
(Webopedia, 2005)

WAN Issues (In Indonesia)
In Indonesia, like the rest of the world, the Internet is gradually replacing conventional telecommunication systems in many areas of daily communications. The Internet is emerging as a major issue confronting the conventional telecommunication and information industry, even for those conventional industries participating in the development. Clearly another important issue is that we assure that we have Internet backbone support that is capable of meeting current and future needs.

In Indonesia most larger companies and government departments employ a Local Area Network (LAN) which is connected to a WAN for broader communications, business and information services. WANs are rapidly becoming more widely used for transferring voice as well using Voice over IP technology (VoIP). With the rapid development of wireless technology and wireless systems, it is now feasible to employ wireless WAN in both city and country locations. This is already being done by some cities and small towns as an economic way to expand and improve services.

Still the most common technology individuals and small businesses utilize to access the Internet is Dialup to a local Internet Service Provider (ISP). While this service is fairly reliable and fast enough for most purposes the cost of using Dialup is a major issue. This is especially the case for schools and educational institutions that are operating on a minimal budget. In Indonesia local telephone calls are timed, unlike Australia for instance, and telephone costs per hour are far greater than the costs for a reliable ISP (i.e. typically 5:1).

Cable TV is an economical option for people who wish to have international television stations available in their homes or businesses. For a relatively low extra charge 24hr-unlimited Internet services are available. However for the average, non-English-speaking, low Internet volume users this can be an expensive option.

Another of the technologies used to access and transfer broadband, high-speed services is the Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) and the ADSL market is growing rapidly, especially in homes and small businesses because one (1) telephone line can be used for both telephone and Internet purposes simultaneously. As the technology develops so does its capability to transfer what ever the customer needs. The main issues with ADSL are the quality of the lines, the distance from the supply point and the subscription price for using the line.

Indonesia is conscious of the need to participate in this globalization era and in the latter part of year 2000 the government introduced a new telecommunication act that allows free competition for domestic and international services. Indonesia is a very large potential market and good business opportunities exist for long-term players in the technology industry.

Fiber Optics (FO) is the preferred transmission media for broadband multimedia backbones and general access. It addresses many of the needs created by increased Internet data traffic and VoIP.

For Indonesia some of the key issues are:

* Keeping up with International Developments.
* Prediction and Planning for Future Data Capacity Needs.
* How to achieve a balance between Business Profits and Improved Community Access.
* The Development of Industry Best Practices and Standards.

WAN (Internet) and Education
One issue which is very important regarding WAN (Internet) and education in Indonesia and that is publis access. Education is an issue that is very important to "all citizens". I have found a number of websites that utilize a password for entry to the site. Educational information and information about education in Indonesian language is very limited and it is most important that it can be accessed by anyone searching for it. If a WAN website contains restricted or confidential information, you should create a special section for Login, and all educational content should be available to the general public.

We are very intrerested in new and innovative applications of technology to learning an education generally. If you are in posession of any information that you would like to pass on please leave a message here.

* Special City-WAN Sites in Indonesia *

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